Elder Law

As people grow older, they face complex issues that can have a huge impact on their finances, families, medical care, and living arrangements.

If you or your loved one is facing the mounting costs of long-term care, I can help to lessen the cost of care through advising you on Medicaid eligibility or access to other benefit programs. I sort through all the details and take the time to explain your options clearly in plain English, not legalese, helping you to make a choice that’s right for your particular situation. I am not only committed to providing comprehensive legal advice, but also take a special interest in ensuring that people in the community are aware of the pressing issues facing aging adults. Elder law clients appreciate that they are always treated with dignity and respect. In addition, they welcome my efforts to provide important legal information – such as disputing myths about Medicaid and explaining the difference between Medicaid and estate planning services. You don’t have to face these important decisions alone. I am here to help you in the follow areas:

  • Preservation/transfer of assets seeking to avoid spousal impoverishment when a spouse enters a nursing home
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare claims and appeals
  • Social security and disability claims and appeals
  • Supplemental and long-term health insurance issues
  • Disability planning, including use of durable powers of attorney, living trusts, "living wills," for financial management and health care decisions, and other means of delegating management and decision-making to another in case of incompetency or incapacity
  • Long-term care placements in nursing home and life care communities
  • Nursing home issues including questions of patients' rights and nursing home quality
  • Elder abuse and fraud recovery cases
  • Housing issues, including discrimination and home equity conversions
  • Age discrimination in employment
  • Retirement, including public and private retirement benefits, survivor benefits, and pension benefits
To discuss your elder law needs, please contact my office today at (214) 498-5960. You can also reach out via the online contact form to request a consultation.